Arithmetickles - Show Review
▸ Students were engaged and interested.
▸ Applause and laughter were enthusiastic.
▸ Students were eager to participate.
Presenter demonstrated skill and dedication to his/her art; repertoire was appropriate and well chosen for students’ age and interest levels; set and sound were effective and the program was presented in an attractive, enjoyable and artistic manner.
Presenter incorporated relevant curriculum-based elements that were geared to the level of the grades/ages in attendance; presenter helped children to see/hear with discrimination by focusing their attention; presenter furthered the students’ appreciation of the live performing arts. • Curriculum-based math activities were geared to the grades in attendance. • The activities presented helped focus attention on how to use math in everyday life and not be afraid of it.
Presenter appeared to genuinely enjoy working with children; presenter encouraged students to participate in the program and helped them do so in a meaningful way; presenter used age appropriate vocabulary on stage.
Presenter could be easily seen and heard; lighting, props and sound effects were effective; elements of surprise and humor were included in the presentation; program was well-paced and began and ended on time.